Monday, December 20, 2010

India declines to affirm 'One China' policy

NEW DELHI: The promise of $100-billion trade between India and China failed to obscure the reality: the two Asian giants remain far apart on fundamental issues, including Kashmir and terror strikes on India from Pakistan territory.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, on a charm offensive here, said the two countries would strive for a ''strategic consensus'' on issues, while PM Manmohan Singh responded with his own brand of optimism: ''A strong partnership between India and China will contribute to long-term peace, stability, prosperity and development in Asia and the world.''

The verbal warmth was buttressed by signing six bilateral agreements — on culture, green technology, media exchanges, river data and banking, possibly indicating the breadth of issues on which India-China ties have grown.

But behind the warm, fuzzy public atmospherics was a lot of candid, tough talking by India on its core concerns. Maintaining S M Krishna's line that Jammu & Kashmir was integral to India just as Tibet was to China, the China-India joint statement failed to mention India's affirmation of a 'one China' policy — which states that Taiwan and Tibet are part of China. This was a significant first in Indo-Sino ties.

India has been asking China to affirm a one-India policy. Considering China was questioning Kashmir's accession to India, it appears India too has held its hand on a 'one China' policy.

On stapled Chinese visas for Kashmiris — something that has become a clear provocation for India — foreign secretary Nirupama Rao said that Wen raised the issue of stapled visas even before the Indians could. But in typical Chinese style, Wen only agreed to official discussions on it, instead of addressing the irritant. Sources said proof that China might walk back from its current policy would be evident only over time.

India pushed hard on several other issues of concern. Refusing to accept China's demand for a regional trade agreement, India pushed for greater market access for Indian products and services in China. The joint statement promises ''measures to promote greater Indian exports to China with a view to reduce India's trade deficit.''

China remained non-committal on both terrorism from Pakistan and India's bid for a permanent seat at UNSC. Addressing the Indian Council for World Affairs, Wen said both countries had similar views on UNSC reform. In joint statement, China stuck to its old line, ''China attaches great importance to India's status in international affairs as a large developing country, understands and supports India's aspiration to play a greater role in United Nations, including in the Security Council.''

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